Joseph Francis wrote:

But the evidence is out there, plenty of
it, to say that Pope was the only world leader to
speak out against Hitler, and who saved more Jews than
Schindler. I only ask that you please look into the
information from the other point of view before making
up your mind.

I was just going through some old email and came across this line.

JF, you are full of shit.

I speak plainly to be very clear as to what I am saying - that statement is so false as to be nothing but excrement.

The numbers of clergy who spent years in concentration camps, such as Martin Neimoller at Dachau, or who were executed by the Nazis, beginning with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, are too vast, too numerous, too filled with martyrs to let that lie alone. Pius spent the war years in luxury in the Vatican and had a long history with the Nazis long before he became pope, when he was vatican Secretary of State.
Your religious sentimentality leads to the particular arrogance of the one who is uninformed.
The evidence is too vast, too extensive to go through here. And I wasn't going to respond at all, what I have been trying not to do. But then the obscenity of this struck me again, the Jews of Rome in the cattle cars being taken to their deaths on the train tracks that lay so close to the Vatican and the image of the one who said not a word as he lived in luxury and let others go to their slaughter...

I seldom am this angry in the JMDL. Very seldom. But I am now.

Believe what you want. The evidence is all there and as God is witness, I will stand with reality over sentimentality any day, any time.


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