jesus never said that there was hell. there are so many things that jesus
never said (as per the gospels) that i wonder where so many people get their
hell is such a small thing! how could jesus in all his glory come to earth
and die for such a meager invention of mediocre human minds.
god is infinite, absolute and incomprehensibly loving. no crime, no sin, no
offense can ever surpass the dimension of his unbound forgiveness. belief in
hell contradicts belief in god. if there is hell, then god is human. there
is no hell. to me this is pretty much QED'ed.
i am a roman catholic. a radical catholic, if you want. i follow the
teachings of jesus, whom i love with all my heart and soul and whom i put
above and beyond any personal goal or aspiration. i rejoice in his teachings
and i celebrate everything he stands for. i go to mass, i take communion,
and i believe he is god. i believe in and love god the father, the son and
the holy spirit. i pray to all three persons and i pray to one true god,
ruler of a world without end.
the teachings of the old testament were circumscribed to the times and
politics of their era. they were necessary to ensure the survival and
individuation of the tribes of israel. as a christian, i believe in jesus'
message: "i have come to give you a new law, that you should love one
another." to me and to many other christians, the old testament is worthy of
study inasmuch as it prophesies the coming of jesus as savior and redeemer
of mankind. but i admit to you all that i couldn't care less about all the
laws and rules that have to do with sexual behavior, dressing codes and
cuisine contained in the old testament. i wear clothes of mixed fibers, i
eat pork and i am a homosexual (although i have never lied with a man as if
he were a woman, which seems to be abomination though i find it simply
i am willing and very happy to discuss my beliefs and my positions as a
roman catholic and i truly believe that anne's question was very well
intentioned. i won't get into any arguments, though, regarding my right to
be who i am and/or believe in what i believe. i have come to my own
theological conclusions after years of analysis, prayer and work.
incidentally, as a roman catholic i feel part of a NATION. i also believe
that the "government" of this nation has long been usurped by greedy,
shameless and pharisaical individuals. many popes have been criminals, and i
don't care much for our current one. i pray for him, but i wouldn't move a
finger to further his cause. ditto fundamentalists of any kind, including
the notorious opus dei, so powerful and so harmful in argentina and many
spanish speaking countries.

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