Kasey wrote :-

>So the creator (God if you will) made good/evil.
The bible says that when God created man/woman he gave
us a free will.
Now the angles were also created by God, but they
didn't get free will.
Yet Satin rose up against God.  How did he do that
without free will?
I think Satin is only another name for free
will.....or choice.  Now, 
Satin was an angle, and lived in heaven, and spoke to
God why would he
leave.  Heaven is perfect, how can an angle with no
free will want more
than perfection?<

Church and Bible teaching says that angels have free
will and that Satan was once Luficer, an angel of
light - also in charge of music in heaven. He was
God's "second in command", but he became proud and
thought he was as good as God thinking, "why should I
not be worshipped as God is worshipped?". So, there
was a battle in heaven, and lucifer lost, taking a
third of the angels from heaven with him, who became


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