Joseph wrote:
Church and Bible teaching says that angels have free
will and that Satan was once Luficer, an angel of
light - also in charge of music in heaven. He was
God's "second in command", but he became proud and
thought he was as good as God thinking, "why should I
not be worshipped as God is worshipped?". So, there
was a battle in heaven, and lucifer lost, taking a
third of the angels from heaven with him, who became

If this is true, how do we humans stand a chance?
We are such an arrogant lot.  Even if we do all that
is ask of us here on earth once we go to heaven we
still take with us pride, we still could be kicked out
of heaven, still be tempted by Satan?  They were
angles, they knew God, and still turned against him.
This above all else makes no sense to me. If we (humans)
knew for a fact, not on faith, that God was real, if we
could see him, talk with him, how very different our lives,
and world would be.  But then you are saying it wouldn't
be any different.  That people would still rise up against
him.  One more thing, if today Satan ask God to forgive
him could he get back into heaven?  What would become
of Hell?  Maybe we should ALL pray for Satan to accept the love and
forgiveness of God.  If that happens then hell would be gone,
blame for our actions would be on us instead of this insane
chess match between God, and Satan for our souls. Maybe
we would have global peace.
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