Hmmm, not sure I'd rate it that highly Jacky, mainly for the hopping scene, 
which I REALLY didn't like!  Still, Juliet Stevenson and Alan Rickman are 
always very watchable - and Juliet gives good cry, doesn't she??

Anyway, following that film is one of my own faves from the last few years, 
Last Night, written and directed by Don McKellar.  It opens with a few hours 
to the end of the world - yes, really, it's all going to end at midnight, the 
viewer is not told why but everyone knows it and there's not much argument 
about it.  The film follows a number of people as they prepare for the end in 
very different ways.  It's a brilliant film, funny, thought-provoking and 
very moving in places.  Channel 4 at midnight, set the video!

Azeem in London
NP: Northampton v Biarritz (rugby union, that is)

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