Azeem wrote:  Hmmm, not sure I'd rate it that highly Jacky, mainly for the
hopping scene, which I REALLY didn't like! Still, Juliet Stevenson and Alan
Rickman are always very watchable - and Juliet gives good cry, doesn't she??

 Now me: AH!!! at last, I can come out of the Truly Madly Deeply closet and
admit I'm not that impressed either!
Yes, the actors are good, and the setting is realistic and unglamorous, and
the "idea" is brilliant (grieving over a dead partner, having him reappear,
maybe going mad...) but my goodness, talk of a cop-out!
First of all the ghostly lover becomes rather ghastly when he brings all his
dead mates from heaven along and all they do is play at cards...

But worst of all: yes, this stupid new lover who turns up for our Juliet.
He just sees her once and just KNOWS that all he has to do is be insistent
and in the end they will find out they're made for each other.  Typified in
that unwatchable hopping scene - arrrgh!  What if she said: "Go away, you're
boring and unattractive, you're nothing like Alan Rickman"???  No really,
I'm serious!  Leaving fickle notions such as "boring" and "attractive"
aside, I really feel the film cheats us by bringing that irritating hopping
man into the scene.  What I wanted to see, was: how do you REALLY cope with
grief?  When it really keeps hurting without surprise solutions, when you
don't have a deus ex machine hopping along?  How do you learn to be strong
ON YOUR OWN or just with some pretty average people around you to give
pretty average support?  How to snap yourself out of that "nothing compares"
The film promised us some of that, and then fell into the worst of
hollywoody solutions. (Sleepless in Seattle, another horror, comes to

Thanks, Azeem, for letting me lance this personal boil!

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