Jenny Goodspeed wrote:

<Colin said> The fact that there are groups of
siblings who are gay really does indicate that
homosexuality does have an inborn cause rather it
being environmental.

Not exactly -

which is why i used the word 'indicate'.

I have a fair knowledge of genetics, as I use it all the time. If one sees a particular trait appearing multiple times in any given set of offspring, it is highly likely that the cause is genetic. I have a good friend(despite the fact she keeps guns and is a right wing Conservative-horror) who is a scientist. She believes sexuality is gentically determined and natural, whetehr it be gay or str8.

apart from that, i don't think it is important. It will do nothing much if it proved beyond a doubt that it is genetic. Knwoing soemthing is gentic in roigin doesn't change people's opinions. Look at racism.
the point is, even if it is environmental, or a choice, so what? There is nothing wrong with it. so why are we hung up on wanting to know why? I admit it is interesting. I find gentics interesting.
Or if we find the genes that cause homosexuality, do we then accept abortion as suggested by some of our 'religious' leaders here in the UK? there was ahuge stink over the remarks made by a Rabbi who heads some organization when he said that if it could be dertemined before birth that a child would be gay, it was an acdeptbale reason for abortion. Of course Rabbi Julia Noyberger(sp?) had something to say about that and she certainly did not agree with him!

In the end, it matters not one jot why homosexuals are homosexuals. we just are and that is the end of the story.

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