David wrote:

> were then subjected to a Holocaust in which niggers and fags were
> encouraged to die by Ronald Reagan.

I've heard a bit about this before here on the list, but don't understand
how, why, Reagan was responsible for it, etc.  My recall in the early 80s is
that everyone was very frightened and concerned at the emergence of the
disease and trying very hard to figure out what it was, how to treat it,
etc.  It was on the forefront of everyone's minds for several years and
widely covered in the press from the time of its discovery.  Many of the
government funded universities' research and medical centers, such as UCLA
and UCSF, were working on it from the beginning.  I had two female friends
who died from HIV infected blood transfusions in the 80s and lost other
friends and co-workers to it.  It affected everyone in some way.  What did
Reagan do to encourage people to die?  Please don't think I'm obtuse - I
sincerely want to know to try to understand what you and others have said.


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