I don't even knw where to begin here Kakki.  But AIDS funding, the very mention of the 
word, term,
disease was completely written out of Regans doctrine.  It was a newsworthy day the 
day he
actually utterred the word.  His policies alone probably killed your two friends!  
Because it was
too costly to clean up the blood banks!   

Now realistically could anything have been done to stop it cold - probably not - BUT 
his delays
and moral judgements helped delegate scores more to the role of the living dead.

I don't have some slanted article here to link you to, but I can't believe you didn't 
read or see
"And the Band Played On?"  Oh it may be all Hollywood, but then so are so many of 
those articles
we get connected to.  

His concern was about the morality of the majority affected, rather than the masses of 
and their suffering.  He played GOD!

Why the allegiance to this bigoted and cruel human - I just don't understand, maybe 
I'm obtuse.


P.S. Couldn't we have kept talking about COCO, instead of revving me up before going 
to bed!  LOL!

NP: Joni/Turbulent Indigo/Borderline

--- kakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David wrote:
> > were then subjected to a Holocaust in which niggers and fags were
> deliberately
> > encouraged to die by Ronald Reagan.
> I've heard a bit about this before here on the list, but don't understand
> how, why, Reagan was responsible for it, etc.  My recall in the early 80s is
> that everyone was very frightened and concerned at the emergence of the
> disease and trying very hard to figure out what it was, how to treat it,
> etc.  It was on the forefront of everyone's minds for several years and
> widely covered in the press from the time of its discovery.  Many of the
> government funded universities' research and medical centers, such as UCLA
> and UCSF, were working on it from the beginning.  I had two female friends
> who died from HIV infected blood transfusions in the 80s and lost other
> friends and co-workers to it.  It affected everyone in some way.  What did
> Reagan do to encourage people to die?  Please don't think I'm obtuse - I
> sincerely want to know to try to understand what you and others have said.
> Kakki
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