In the very well written exchange between Kakki and David, I just state short things:

Reagan was listening a lot to Farwell, et. al, during his campaign nd election; they delivered a lot of votes to Reagan and were the religious authorities that he looked to.

I always understand that it was the death of Rock Hudson that caused Ron and Nacy to realize AIDS could kill their friends, good people, and that made some impact on the beginning of money flowing to research.

Reagan's Alzheimer's was evident the last year, but no one wanted to wade into that thicket of removal of the president. During the Iran Contra investigations, it was becoming apparent that Reagan was slipping into very early stages of clinical dementia. No one had the heart for impeachment - the Alzheimer's was not yet diagnosed, it was in very early stages, and the folks in Congress, and I think wisely for this nation's sake, just let him end his term and go out standing up hailed a two term president, rather than attempt to remove on the grounds of failing mental health. We have never acted under that constitutional amendment and Id save us the first time we ever have to. Reagan's condition wasn't so failing as to pose a risk as long as Nancy was watching things, as Wilson's wife did for him when he was out of it, and the political fallout would have been devastating and politicized this nation in a negative way That is what I was hearing from my friends in the capital.

I am interested in the story of David meeting Reagan.

And the Band Played On is a far better book than movie, I would recomend it to all.

I leave shortly for Chicago, again. A late January gift to all, my last post for a while. Can't wait to come home to a full inbox but I'll read every post in time...

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