Susan wrote:

> I don't even knw where to begin here Kakki.  But AIDS funding, the very
mention of the word, term,
> disease was completely written out of Regans doctrine.  It was a
newsworthy day the day he
> actually utterred the word.  His policies alone probably killed your two
friends!  Because it was
> too costly to clean up the blood banks!

My friends had their blood transfusions in 1981, which as I recall was
around the time the disease was first getting on anyone's radar.  I don't
believe they were diagnosed until around 1984 or so. The test for the
presence of HIV in blood was not developed and available until around late
1986, as I recall (because another friend had a transfusion in early 1986
before the test and she subsequently has to be tested every year since for
HIV as a result).  In those years, myself and everyone I knew read
everything they could about it and everything we read was that researchers
and doctors all over the country were working around the clock and racing
against time to get a fix on it.  My friends who died were studied and
researched and various experimental treatments were tried on them because
they were some of the first recorded cases of infection through blood
transfusions.  People working in the field were paying lots of attention to
them and others, at least here in the L.A. area.

> Now realistically could anything have been done to stop it cold - probably
not - BUT his delays
> and moral judgements helped delegate scores more to the role of the living

Did he himself make moral judgments against people or are you thinking more
of idiots like Falwell and fundamentalist Christians?  Not to say that
Reagan may be did not make the issue out front in his speeches as he should

> I don't have some slanted article here to link you to, but I can't believe
you didn't read or see
> "And the Band Played On?"  Oh it may be all Hollywood, but then so are so
many of those articles
> we get connected to.

No, I haven't seen it.  Sad to say I've not seen most movies in the past 20
years or so because I was locked up working late and weekends most of that

> His concern was about the morality of the majority affected, rather than
the masses of humanity
> and their suffering.  He played GOD!

Other than the movie, are there any other links somewhere where it showed he
did this?

> Why the allegiance to this bigoted and cruel human - I just don't
understand, maybe I'm obtuse.

No, I guess I'm just obtuse or didn't notice all these cruel things he did.
Too tied up going to school and working all the time during his
adminstration.  So you can write me off as an idiot or enlighten me so that
I know the truth.


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