Mark Tatum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<<<I also have a Joni
line that bothers me a little, and I wonder what your thoughts will be. 
In Little Green, there are these lines where the mother tells the
father about the child and he responds with a poem:>>>

He went to California
Hearing that everything's warmer there
So you write him a letter and say, "Her eyes are blue"
He sends you a poem and she's lost to you
Little Green, he's a non-conformer

These are the lyrics as they appear on and on JMDL. What does
line four mean to you? Are the two "you"s in the line both referring to
the mother?

some of my thoughts: 

One of my favourite songs... here's one read on this ...imho I think  'he' has made it 
clear that 'she' , the baby's mother, has to deal with things on her own with the 
pregnancy/baby. .. the impression I get is that he doesnt want anything to do with the 
situation... sends her a poem telling her so.

the mother then 'explains' to her little green, the baby, that the reason why 'he' 
isnt around is that in fact he is a non-conformer..meaning that his leaving them is 
not so bad, he's just not someone who wants to be tied down in 'traditional" ways. 
sounds to me like she's trying to cover his ass  perhaps, because she may still have 
feelings for him, on top of which, perhaps 'she' feels a need to protect little green 
from another truth  'him'. 

that's one interpretation. another might be that 'he' is an irresponsible sh** with no 
room in his life for babies so he takes off for warmer climes, leaving her to deal 
with the situation/pregnancy/baby all by herself.  


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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