Mark Tatum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In response to my post, it seems others (Andrew, Mags, Scott, and Bob
M.)also heard "he's" instead of "she's" and/or interpreted the line to
indicate that the poem signaled the loss of the father to the child and
mother. But accepting the printed lyrics as correct, I am wondering if
they may indicate that receipt of the poem, instead of some indication
of the father's willingness to take responsibility, may have also
brought the mother to realize that she would not be able to raise her
daughter alone. Thus, "she's lost to [the mother]."



 I still think that his poem , the proverbial kiss of death...see ya later alligator 
message to her (the mother/Joni) indicates that he's "gone" to California (or 
wherever) ... "split city" and the baby / little green is lost to her/the 
mother/Joni.(is now her problem, not his) .. meaning she is left with the 
responsibility/decision making process from there on in. 

As Scott said, it's a twist of you/she as in both are "me" or the woman who has little 

gawd ... hesaidshesaidyousaidweallsaid.




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Yes you do.
     - JM
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