i just finished watching my worn and very valuable copy of ''jennifer on my
mind'', a 1971 movie with michael brandon and tippy walker. am i the only
person in the world that's seen this movie? anyway, i had never realized how
exactly like joni in her youth (walker was 25 at that time) tippy walker
looks. does anybody know who i'm talking about? am i the only tippy walker
fan on earth? i've been searching for hours for any information on walker on
the net. i found out that now she is ''an artist and writer who has lived in
New Haven, Connecticut, USA, since 1984'' and that she ''owns and operates a
storefront art gallery, "Out of the Blue", near the Yale University
campus''. she is 56 now. i wonder if she still looks so much like joni. i
would give anything to meet tippy walker. i have been madly in love with her
since i was 10 years old.
anybody in yale campus area that might drop by the gallery?
wallyK, sleepless and obsessed

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