No, I do take your point on this Colin. It's easy to be an armchair warrior. Perhaps if someone I loved were faced with being killed in this war, I'd think differently. The way I see it at the moment is the lesser of two evils. I do think that Saddam will use his weapons one day, probably against Israel, possibly against the Kurds or Iran, or one of the Gulf states. There were over a million people killed in the Iran-Iraq war. And there are the human rights abuses inside Iraq. Enough said about them - we all know the stories.

However, I like the German plan, so long as it's done properly - have a U.N. force take over Iraq, increase the weapons inspectors, and allow Saddam to remain as a figurehead only. The problem is that he would never agree to that because he knows (a) they'll find the weapons eventually and (b) they'd find all the tortured prisoners and the evidence that he had used live human guinea pigs in weapons experiments. So then he'd be tried for crimes against humanity.

I just don't see what can be done about him, if not to overthrow him in war.


At 2:57 AM +0000 02/11/2003, colin wrote:
as long as it is not your loved ones or you?
I am not painting you as a baddie-I don't think you are-I agree on much with you-but I do think you are misguided on this.

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