The way I see it, you can use Apple's current advertising campaign to
put it into context

Prototype vs jQuery

Prototype is nice and fluffy, for 'designers' who use macs, and
dreamweaver and sit around all day in design meetings coming up with
'great design ideas', drinking skinny lattes

JQuery is hardcore, for geeks who use linux and Eclipse, who come up
with actual useful sites, rather than just showcases to please
managment and drink coffee with an extra shot caffine.

P.s I don't mean to offend any mac users, but hey its 'your' company
that are taking the p*ss out of pc users.

On 6/14/07, AJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Two stories today from Ajaxian ( caught my eye and made me

CNN Beta Site:

Apple Revamps Its Website

In both cases, Apple and CNN have gone with Prototype and
Scriptaculous. I should say up front I'm a big fan of jQuery and
Interface, but I'm wondering why two big sites like this would adopt
Prototype when other high-profile sites like Technorati have adopted

Are there any standard arguments for Prototype that I don't know
about? Or is it simply a matter of preference and that's all? Just

Tane Piper

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