2011/2/3 Guillaume Andrieu <gh...@taleo-initiative.org>:
> What should I recommend to new employees in my company when they have to
> learn Javascript, who have to start coding with Javascript without having
> had any proper formation ?

Why do you have people that needs to start coding JavaScript without
formation? That's the root of a lot of web develoment problems. If
they doesn't known JavaScript fire them and hire someone who has
JavaScript skills, or teach them *before* they start coding production
code. If you want to teach JavaScript, don't use jQuery, use a good
JavaScript book.

In my opinion, any developer that needs a library for DOM traversal
(or any other feature) should not write production code. When they can
code almost everything using 'plain' JavaScript, then they can start
using libraries.

JavaScript Developer at Tuenti.com

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