On Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 06:14 PM, Lesiecki Nicholas wrote:

Warner says:
I'd prefer not to [cover EJB/CMP] for a few reasons:
1) While I know that it is a kind of O/R it is not the kind I am
interested in at the moment
What kind are you interested in?
Well, I personally have some issues with EJB ;-). If I saw a good presentation on it maybe I'd change my mind. But I have problems with any framework that requires me to create multiple files just in order to get some data from a database as an object. Make it easy for me to do it and I might be interested. But I also like a light-weight approach in regards to containers - I know servlets and I know servlet containers, I don't want to have to learn how to configure JBoss just to use EJB's.

2) It isn't standalone - it requires an EJB container
Point taken, but every framework requires something be it build tools or
classes to install in your app. In the case of Resin CMP we only use the
"O/R" mapping part--hardly anything else.
See above.

3) I don't have an intimate knowledge of EJB
Would anyone like to volunteer instead? Rick Hightower?
I would gladly develop the framework and have others contribute pieces to it.

4) EJB can be an hour long all on it's own
Of course. Surely the subtleties of any of these frameworks would merit an
hour at least. The idea would be to cover it side by side with the other
persistence frameworks *as a persistence framework* and focus on how it can
be used as such and how it stacks up against the others.
Sounds good.




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