> Well, [Warner] personally have some issues with EJB ;-). If I saw a
> presentation on it maybe I'd change my mind. 

I agree with you, especially with the 1.1 spec, but I did see a
compelling preso on 2.x last year at JavaOne...Tyler Jewell from BEA
gave a talk on EJB 2.x and fired me up to want to use 2.0, but I'm
limited by the availability of the tech in my environment, along with a
lurking fear of the learning curve to deploy something simple. 

Why Enterprise JavaBeansTM ( EJBTM) 2.X Technology
--Stuff That You Have Never Seen 

> Make it easy for me to  do it and I might be interested. 
Amen, brotherman. :-)

Nick ( or anyone else ) have you worked with EJB 2.x stuff? 


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