Dear SS (and others)

Could you let me know ehat the status is for the use of Java 1.6 - has a 
decision been made to move OpenJump, or is it still a work in progress.


Stefan Steiniger wrote:
> Hei Christopher
> thanks for your outline :)
> I actually have not that much background knowledge to evaluate if what 
> you do propose is good, but I guess you know it better. But modularity 
> is always a plus and documentation is sufficient. However.. a good rule 
> is to always start with a simple model and extend it later. I.e. one 
> could also make first all in one and then introduce modularity later.
> btw. Today I just stumbled across this article that has been published 
> this month:
> "Sweep-line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation"
> If there is need I can send it to you. Note, that it is a 2D algorithm 
> (brwosing the article shortly). I actually have needs too for 2D CDT's.. 
> in map generalization.
> cheers
> stefan
> Christopher wrote:
>> Sorry for the radio silence, I've been a thinking
>> philosopher not an eating philosopher. I can only hope
>> a fork and food are there when I need them ;)
>>  I've been reading the papers of the computational
>> geometry "heros" and thinking of an overall framework
>> for the TIN side of things. I just got my copy of
>> "Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data
>> Structures" by Hanan Samet yesterday and it is already
>> proving a valuable resource.
>> Broadly speaking, I want to structure the TIN
>> import/creation side as a serial chain. Each node in
>> the stream would either gather statistics about the
>> stream flowing through it, alter the input stream into
>> an changed version of the current type of stream, or
>> alter the input stream into a different kind of output
>> stream altogether.
>> Suppose we had defined streams of DataSource (file,
>> database, WMS, etc), Geometry, Point, LineString,
>> GeometryCollection, and TINface. Then we can have a
>> bunch of small modules that process these streams in
>> different ways that can then themselves be combined in
>> different ways given the need. For instance, one
>> module could take an I/O stream from a USGS NED .bif
>> elevation file then output a stream of Points. Another
>> module could take a stream of Points, perform a simple
>> random insertion Delaunly algorithm, then output a
>> stream of TINfaces. The final module down the line
>> would take the TINfaces and output an instance of a
>> TIN. An alternate final module could take save the TIN
>> to a file or even a database.
>> Some benefits of this structure include:
>> * being able to use the same module in very different
>> types of chains.
>> * modules in each layer (ie you could have different
>> Delaunly algorithms for PointStream -> TINface
>> transition) could be easily swapped around, making
>> this a great research platform.
>> * by using Paul's JCSP lib, the different nodes on a
>> stream could be run concurrently allowing for
>> wonderful scaling on today's multi-core,
>> multi-processor machines.
>> * it should work equally well for a small NED data set
>> imported into memory or a huge raw LIDAR DEM file
>> saved into a PostGIS database.
>> Right now, I'm reading my eyes out and trying to
>> figure out what kind of streams and data structures
>> will be needed to be able handle any kind of TIN
>> importation tasks might be needed by anyone, anywhere,
>> in any java GIS project. I also have finals going on,
>> so don't expect any worknig code in the next week or
>> so.
>> As far as future funding, I'm going forward as if
>> everything will go through fine and no checks will
>> bounce. I'll probably still work on the project if
>> something goes wrong, but the manhours will be much
>> less given that I'll have to find other work for the
>> summer.
>> --Christopher
>> --- Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> Thanks for the link on JSR-275. That looks very
>>> interesting, and
>>> surprisingly simple. I just skimmed through the
>>> introduction of the
>>> JavaWorld article, but I will read it in more detail
>>> this weekend. I
>>> think I can incorporate it into the code I'm already
>>> working on.
>>> Stefan and Chris,
>>> I explained to Chris the conditions that must be met
>>> before we are
>>> accepted. I think he has a good understanding of
>>> these. It seemed from
>>> our early e-mails that he was eager to move forward.
>>> Stefan is correct
>>> in that we do not have a gaurantee of acceptance or
>>> payment from
>>> Chris' work. He would be working as a volunteer like
>>> the rest of us
>>> for the time being.
>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Stefan Steiniger
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Question.. is Chris accepted, i.e. will he get a
>>> grant by GSofC?
>>>> Otherwise it is his decision to work on it or not
>>>> stefan
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