On Sonntag, 30. März 2014 23:46:01 CEST, Pablo Sanchez wrote:
[ Comments below, in-line ]

On 03/30/2014 05:43 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
I did that twice today already. I am sorry i failed your reading test. Will
refrain for further commenting in this thread.

I don't think you should get offended because perhaps there was a translation issue but your comments were a bit `barbed' ...

I don't mind being addressed barbed - as long as there's sth. to address.

Sum up:
Vishesh apparently felt insulted, because he thought Lindsay would have implied that he 
could not do it right and I pointed out that to me Lindsay clearly meant that he (or 
anybody) could not know what is "right" to the user in this regard and it's 
also about giving the user the idea of control (because, frankly, w/o reading the code 
you're in nothing like that).
She confirmed and stressed that this was not questioning Vishesh's skills, 
Vishesh accepted - item done.

When, in the context of his mass reply, Albert picked a line from my 
"translation" and asked me about the presence of a feature on that, i was 
frankly under the impression that he was merely reacting on keywords and not following 
the line of a discussion that also finished some hours ago.


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