At 05:34 AM 7/12/2010, you wrote:
>I was working with the CAD drawings I've done in Rhino for the KR2S and
>I noticed that the outer wing according to plans has a minute amount of
>forward sweep.

Pete & all,

I just got back from the airport where I installed a new EGT probe in 
the KR.  While there I did a bit of bug removal as well.  I checked 
the "wing sweep" on my KR, which is plans built, and I have a slight 
aft sweep from the attach point to the tip, just a I suspected.  When 
I got home I pulled out the full scale drawings for the "new airfoil" 
and measured the ribs.  The 48" rib extends 10 inches forward of the 
spar and the 33 inch tip rib extends 7 inches forward of the 
spar.  Assuming the spar is straight from tip to tip as the plans 
call for, there would be a 3 inch aft sweep from the attach point to 
the tip, not a forward sweep.  Based on my observations, I'd say 
anyone that has a KR with a forward sweep in the wing has a severe 
structural problem that should be addressed immediately. :-)

Larry Flesner

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