Hello Tom, *,
On Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013 18:09 Tom Davies wrote:
> Different people use different expressions but mostly people use
> quite a selection.  "Must be" is typically used  by people in
> power (such as parents, my boss, the prime-minister etc) but who
> might lack the imagination to realise there might well be some
> other way that they haven't thought of.  "What is usually used?"
> is a bit like asking what the best distro is.  Each person has

hm, O.K. I was expecting something like "I have learned at school, 
that..." or something like that ... ;) My own search with DuckDuckGo 
indicates, that "must not" is used in regulations, edicts (and the 
like), or in prohibitions, bans (and the like) (see e.g. 
http://english.lingolia.com/en/grammar/verbs/modal-verbs. If my 
English is not that rusted, it seems to underpin my opinion ... ;) 
But that is only one of six or seven sites, which I have skimmed 
through (in German as well as in English ... ;) ).

> their own idea and those ideas might change from moment to moment.
>  It's hard to avoid being flippant when answering this sort of
> thing.


> Also once i am "on a roll" and writing quickly i sometimes find i
> have repeated a word or phrase many times, sometimes even with a
> single sentence.  It's a bit like tripping over my own shoelaces
> in haste or finding i tied them together.  So it's not always
> arrogance that leads to that sort of thing.


> 3.  I quite like "with the same text".  It still avoids the
> problem Sophie made me aware of.  So; <quote>
> There should not more than one entry with the same text in the
> help directory because it will break the index display in the help
> UI. </quote> or the re-write i did later, or some variant of it.


> Wrt tags/options and stuff.  I am disappointed to hear they are
> not translated and set by regionalisation.  For some reason i had
> assumed that people could use the command-line in their own
> language.

Well, I think, it is the same problem as with our project: You need 
the people, who are willing to translate it. If there are none, the 
commands as well as their help, manpages, info sides are left in 
English (which I prefer instead of having in a language, I am 
neither able to read or write) ... ;)
Thank you for your information

<Rest snipped and TOFU removed, see

There are many of us in this old world of ours who hold that things 
break about even for all of us. I have observed, for example, that 
we all get about the same amount of ice. The rich get it in the 
summer and the poor get it in the winter.
                -- Bat Masterson

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