> I belong to a drunken book club (we're a drinking group with a reading
> Jana in Michigan

I probably *look* like I'd fit into your club -
just 'smelling the cork' turns my nose so red
it almost 'lights up' like Rudolph The Red-Nosed
Reindeer - add a new twist to that, a
developing case of Rosacea in my old age -
but I got so sick on the day I reached 'legal'
drinking age I haven't been able to imbibe
since. Isn't that sad ? I'll never know what
it's like to be 'drunk'.   Or is it ?   <g>

Aaaanyway - as I mentioned in an earlier
post " . . . And Ladies of The Club" *is* "the"
story of a book/literary club back before women
were really 'free' to read what they wanted.
Add to that, it extends through about *60*
years of the lives of the two protagonists
and the rest of the Ladies of the Club - and
it seems like more women should be reading
it. And more men - so maybe some will see
how far *men* have advanced since the
1860's, too . . . or not, as the case may be . . .

Toni in Seattle
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