To my secret pal,

Well, once again you have outdone yourself, you seem to do that every month.
The glass bobbin will be cherished and on my pillow tonight, the beads and
wire and small bobbin are very beautiful, I take it that I am supposed to make
spangles or a necklace, either way, I love them.  The Dutch shoe magnet is in
my shadow box with all my other special trinkets and the magnet shopping list
is always in demand, but not on my fridge, but next to my pillow.  Thank you
again, I am very lucky to have you as my secret pal.

Bye for now, Love Lynn

Oh by the way, all is well, no more sick kids, but my oldest daughter fell off
my front steps and has a black and blue left knee, on my way to the hospital
with her, she has put it off for two days.  When it rains.....<G>

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