> 1) Winding bobbins
> 2) Final sewing together
> 3) Tallies (leaves, squares, triangles, any other
> type)

Nothing like a survey for dragging all the lurkers out
of hiding!

I agree with most that winding bobbins is no problem -
a nice mindless task for while watching TV or chatting
to others at a lace group meeting. 

I avoid tallies as far as possible but unlike some if
I have to do them I find square ones easier. My leaves
always look like holly leaves!

Sewing in at the end is pretty horrible. Using
Christine Springett's "Magic threads" helps a bit.
But worse than all for me is mounting the finished
lace on whatever it's for. I have a hankie edging
which was my "forever" project for a few years but I
finally finished it during summer 2005. It's pretty
good lace though I say it myself but I just haven't
dared sew it on to some fabric yet because I know my
sewing is not as good as my lacemaking!

And as for sticking lace on to cards - don't even go

(in wet, windy and cold Oude Wetering, Holland)

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