In a message dated 8/10/2010 3:02:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

We live  in a time when people want to do 'crafts' that are quick, 
frequently with  glue guns.  And that's fine.  But there are people who are 
not  interested in the quick and easy.  Those who make those Fair Isle  
sweaters, or knitted lace shawls on size zero needles.  They are few  and 
between now, possibly because there is more instant gratification,  from 
from the internet, from the way our culture functions, so the  quick 
satisfaction becomes the standard. 
While there are certainly people who are actually attracted to projects  
that take a long time and are very picky, it is that characterization that has 
 limited the growth of bobbin lace to a very small portion of the 
population. The  question is, if that is not the kind of thing that appeals to 
(and I can't  say that doing things the hard way appeals to me) what is it 
that lace has to  offer you?
What is the gratification, if not instant?
I actually find that when I am making lace, I often find myself in a zone,  
almost a hynotic trance where I have pleasant thoughts. I find that, for  
instance, I do not feel as great a need to eat compulsively when I am in this 
 zone. The focus of hands and mind, especially in very difficult patterns, 
gives  me a bit of a buzz.
Bobbin Lace: Yoga with Thread
Bobbin Lace: Where Fiber Art and Meditation Meet
Bobbin Lace: Threaditation

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