> If you want a vector drawing program, you are better off getting the free
> open source Inkscape.

Yuck! ... dont get me started :). First of all, it's not a native Mac 
application - it's a Linux port that uses X11, so it doesn't even have a proper 
menu and doesn't use the standard Mac keyboard shortcuts. If you're a long time 
Mac user (maybe even still knowing MacDraw), then this is certainly something 
you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
I tried it - it's slow, it flickers and it's a work in progress that might 
never reach version 1.0 ...

But please let's stop here, this is getting off topic, since there's quite a 
lot of applications that might work for lace design or just scaling and 
printing out scanned patterns - for people who like the typical Mac look and 
feel I still think EazyDraw might be a very good choice, since it's built 
around the features of OSX.

Cheers, Achim.

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