
last week I thought about another attempt of getting a lace design program for 
my laptop. I 
am still working with Windows XP.

I am teaching once a week at a local school 8 afternoons. Occationally I would 
like to draw 
up easy braid patterns for the group. But since I am always short of time, I am 
thinking of 
drawing some motifs just to print out, whenever needed.

Is this possible using the actural version of Lace 2000 or newer? Or is this 
program rather 
suitable for torchon lace patterns.

I would also like to include some colourcode diagrams in my notes for the 
students. Is that 
possible in this program. And where can I get it?

Best regards,

On 30 Jan 2011 at 8:24, Jean Nathan wrote:

> I don't on a Mac, but I do own Knipling and Lace 2000/Lace R-XP.
> I've had a 
> look at Jo's Bobbinwork.
> Have to say that I'm obviously among the less intelligent when to
> comes to 
> computer programs. I get on fine with Lace 2000/Lace R-XP and have
> designed 
> quite a few pieces with it, but, after a dozen or so attempts and
> many hours 
> with Knipling, I'd just about managed to draw a straight line. So
> that's 
> gathering dust in a cupboard.
> I have no idea what Jo's Bobbinwork is supposed to do. I'm probably
> being 
> thick, but there doesn't appear to be any instructions/help file on
> what to 
> do with it. I've managed to get a couple of grounds in the window
> from the 
> sample files, but what I'm supposed to do with them after that, I
> don't 
> know. There doesn't seem to be a simple way of drawing fans, marking
> rose 
> ground, tallies, spiders, etc as there is with Lace 2000/R-XP, so I
> suspect 
> it's intended for something more advanced than I'm interested in.
> Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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