I don't on a Mac, but I do own Knipling and Lace 2000/Lace R-XP. I've had a look at Jo's Bobbinwork.

Have to say that I'm obviously among the less intelligent when to comes to computer programs. I get on fine with Lace 2000/Lace R-XP and have designed quite a few pieces with it, but, after a dozen or so attempts and many hours with Knipling, I'd just about managed to draw a straight line. So that's gathering dust in a cupboard.

I have no idea what Jo's Bobbinwork is supposed to do. I'm probably being thick, but there doesn't appear to be any instructions/help file on what to do with it. I've managed to get a couple of grounds in the window from the sample files, but what I'm supposed to do with them after that, I don't know. There doesn't seem to be a simple way of drawing fans, marking rose ground, tallies, spiders, etc as there is with Lace 2000/R-XP, so I suspect it's intended for something more advanced than I'm interested in.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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