Years ago, on our old machine (Windows 3.1 to start with, upgraded to 95!) I used version 2 of FastCAD, which I got on with very well. Time passed and first we bought a non HP printer, then the hard drive failed, and of course, by then it was obsolete and the version of FastCAD I was using wouldn't print with the new printer (a Xerox Phaser) anyway. After looking around at what was available as shareware (we couldn't afford the £400 to upgrade FastCAD at the time) I downloaded DoubleCAD - very similar to Turbocad. Yes, I'd got a program which with constant reference to the "manual" I could get a pattern out of, but it put me off sitting at the computer for hours trying to get something done. Last year, I gave up and bought Lace R-XP (my machine now runs Windows XP Pro) - we had downloaded the trial version some time before.

What I have found is that the "commands" in Lace R-XP are very similar to FastCAD - so some things I can guess without needing to look up how to do. There is a feature for saving motifs - which means that yes, you would be able to print out just the motifs.

You can use colours when you draw the pattern, then adjust the size and tell it whether you want to print in colour or black & white in the print sequence.

There is a full range of grid angles, - I use mine mostly for Torchon and Bucks (but I don't stick to 60 deg!).

I Googled for Lace R-XP, which brought up IlSoft's website and details as to how to order online - the CD arrived in the post a few days later. Looking at mine now, it is compatible for Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and Vista.

I must admit from playing with the trial version (which you can't print or save from) I had at first dismissed it as not giving me the range of options I could get from a CAD program, but having bought the full version I am quite happy with it.

(Other than using their product to design on my computer again, I have no association with this company).

In message <>, writes
am still working with Windows XP.

But since I am always short of time, I am thinking of
drawing some motifs just to print out, whenever needed.

Is this possible using the actural version of Lace 2000 or newer? Or is this program rather
suitable for torchon lace patterns.

I would also like to include some colourcode diagrams in my notes for the students. Is that
possible in this program. And where can I get it?

Jane Partridge

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