Ray Olszewski, 2001-06-11 19:41 -0700
>OK, some additional thoughts ...

>2. Including his sponsors as part of that audience would seem to me to
>be a good thing as well. Preferably without any footnotes from us; his
>words really do speak for themselves, very clearly. Alas, it's probably
>too late in the day to suggest that they take a look at the Web site
>before it returns to normal.

I mirrored Dave C's current site earlier today with wget. A tarball can 
always be sent to the LRP sponsors, if we think it's appropriate.

$ wget -m http://linuxrouter.org:80/
$ du -sh linuxrouter.org
33k     linuxrouter.org

>3. As to us ... while I suspect we could easily forge a general
>consensus, I also think it would get bogged down in details. For
>instance, while Mike and I surely agree about a lot, I find myself
>uncomfortable with his equating "anarchists" to people who adopt violent
>means of protest (Scott's use of "violent anarchism" is a good bit more

I agree with Scott's wording. I recognized my mistake as soon as I read his 
message. I think we should give Morgan a chance to write a draft. He may 
come up with something we can all agree on.

>5. Right now, I'm not quite decided what I will do tomorrow ... but
>right now, I'm leaning toward posting a "goodbye" message inviting
>people who want me to see their postings to turn to one of the LEAF
>lists. No discussion of *why* I am leaving, just, in effect, a
>"forwarding address". If enough of us do something of that sort, always
>VERY politely, it will be noticed.

I like this. It's simple and effective. I'll probably join you, if Morgan 
is unable to create a consensus for an open letter.

>6. More generally, I think each of us should look to our own feelings
>here and do what seems right to him (or her - are there any "hers"
>here?). LEAF has done just fine technically with this sort of
>decentralized decision making, and I thimk it can handle today's events
>equally well in that fashion.

Agreed. We're all intelligent people with the ability to make our own 

>7. I doubt we should politicize the LEAF site itself by using it in any
>response to Dave's action.

Agreed. That wasn't one of my better suggestions.


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