[EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-06-28 16:23 -0700
>On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Mike Noyes wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-06-27 23:00 -0700
> > >Someone recently mentioned that this was characteristic of a binary
> > >download gone bad, as Windows Netscape is likely to do with a poorly
> > >configured server.
> > >
> > >Soon, perhaps, sourceforge will respond to the open item to fix their
> > >server configuration.
> >
> > Jeff,
> > We have .htaccess AddType directives for .lrp, .ima, .xcf, and .o
> > files. They should download as binary (application/octet-stream) in
> > any browser. I want to know if there is a problem here.
>Should work.  Now just have to convince people putting files up to use
>the appropriate extension (such a Windows-centric way of thinking... :)

SF will fix the DefaultType override eventually. It was working before, and 
it will work again. There are to many projects that depend on it. Last I 
heard they were considering changing Apache's DefaultType to 
application/octet-stream. They need to make sure it wont break something 
before they do that though.


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