Oh Baby you gonna love Linux once you know it and you'll Glue to Linux

its easier than windows cause you know linux will run unless power cut off,
with windows not even Bill Gates don't have clue what is going to happen in
next minute
I am not joking, listen to Znet Radio

Upnet Joe

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Tu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 11:31 AM
Subject: [Leaf-user] looking for Linux distribution just for LAN DHCP server
(1 NIC)

> Hi, I found out about LEAF from the Langa List and was attracted to it
> because it could do broadband routing on a computer, just by booting from
> CD or floppy. Unfortunately, our family is glued to Windows, and we don't
> have time to learn to build/compile Linux, etc, but the LEAF instructions
> seemed easy (just burn an ISO image and do some configuring).
> My problem is, before we get broadband, we already have a home network
> (Windows boxes and now a Mac). We want a DHCP server to assign IP
> and I want to use a Linux distribution on a spare box to do so.
> Unfortunately, LEAF requires two NIC's because it is a full LAN/WAN
> I was wondering if there is a good distribution just as easy and small as
> LEAF that can just do DHCP serving over Ethernet?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Alan Tu
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