Hello Michelle

>I have disconnected all 5 Switches from the router and it continue to
>log alone... So there is no problem with my Network which is working
>for years...
>But what can make this traffic !!!
>All 90-150 seconds I have around 5-12 packages TX and 2-4 packages RX
So the request must come from the firewall.
And this is probably a  dns issue , or you see the    LCP echo  LCP
echo-reply  Packets sendet over the line.
You can look at what packages are send by setting the pppd options to
debug 7
Now everything sent out ppp0 will be logged, by tail -f  /var/log/messages
or /var/log/syslog
You might see what kind of packages are going out and or where they come

eric Wolzak
member of the Bering Crew

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