Right, Jenny. I know you have never been able to copy/paste from that
screen. What I am trying to say :-) is that when you OPEN the source detail,
there is no source detail to copy/paste; there is only the new source writer
screen, with nothing in it. There is no longer any access to the source
detail as it was entered in the old system. It's there somewhere, because
you can see a bit of it, but there is no way to "get at it," so to speak

[For those who have lost the thread on this complicated issue, it pertains
to the merging of a source newly created by the Source Writer, with the same
source previously created in v. 6. The source details go missing.]

Janis Walker Gilmore

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jenny M
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:04 AM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyFamilyTree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Old Source Detail associated with newly Merged
Master Sources

Janis Gilmore wrote
>Nothing, however, will enable access to the old source detail, in spite 
>of the fact that it is partially visible.
>(Gee, this is hard to describe!)

It is quite normal that you cannot access that old detail because you 
never have been able to access or copy material from the Assigned 
Sources Screen.  You have only ever been able to highlight a whole row 
with either mouse or keyboard.

You can, in fact (usually) make the whole Detail visible by altering the 
column widths before you click on Edit and then you can copy the Detail 
into the SourceWriter Detail field by reading and re-typing it.
Jenny M Benson

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