
I'm a little puzzled - have you tried to use Highlight and Ctrl + C to copy? 
The mouse won't work.

Ron Ferguson


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> Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:26:33 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Old Source Detail associated with newly Merged Master 
> Sources
> I think what Janis and I were talking about has to do with what
> happens to the source detail. When you merge an old master source
> (which has one or more details attached to it) into a new sourcewriter
> source, the new source does replace the old one as expected. The
> source details associated with the old source also do seem to go along
> and become part of the the newly merged source.
> *However*, when you look at the assigned sources screen, you cannot
> see the old source details in the source output tab at the bottom of
> the screen, even when you select "show entire source" (at least I
> can't). You *can* still see part of the source details in the upper
> part of the assigned sources screen, but unless your entry is short
> (which mine aren't for my census sources), you will have to stretch
> the field width to the max to (hopefully) see it all. Even then, I
> don't believe you can do a copy/paste of this data, but maybe I am
> wrong.
> I have been feverishly working on source conversion for the last
> couple of days and I think I have a few good tips to share. When I
> get the kids off to camp, I'll try to write something up. It is still
> a tedious process, but I don't think it's going to be as bad as I
> first thought. I have 800 master sources in my database and tens of
> thousands of source details associated with them. Whew!
> Gail Rich Nestor
> Smyrna, Georgia
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 4:41 AM, Jenny M Benson  wrote:
>> Dede Holden wrote
>>> Based on what Geoff and Dave B have said, I think my source and details
>>> were pretty clear cut - no conflicts so everything combined like it was
>>> supposed to.
>> If you did indeed do exactly what you described in your original post, you
>> merged the *new* Source into the *old* one. This does retain the old
>> Source Detail. Presumably what you intended to do is the opposite - old
>> into new - and everyone is finding that Source Details are *not* retained in
>> the new, merged Source.
>> Has your newly combined Source got the bullet next to it when you look at
>> the Source List? If not, then you definitely merged new into old.
>> --
>> Jenny M Benson


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