I would summarize it this way -- whether or not this is a bug (and by
the technical definition of what constitutes a bug, I would say it is
not one), this is a behavior that no one would *ever* want or expect,
and thus it certainly deserves to be changed in a future revision.
Presenting it as user error comes across as somewhat crass, especially
given the complicated nature of how the quirk arises.

I certainly don't blame the beta testers for missing it because it is
rather obscure, but now that it has been identified I think we can
acknowledge that it does happen, should probably not happen, and not
worry so much about the specifics of how some people enter their data.


On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Brian/Support
<br...@legacyfamilytree.com> wrote:
> Jack and Kirsten,
> I should have said in my original answer that initially I was NOT able to
> duplicate the problem.
> My Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to use the Save/Close Button on any
> screen in Legacy. When I first tested the problem I automatically used Save
> on the marriage information screen so the Wording Tab change made by Legacy
> from "married someone" (Unknown spouse) to "married" (known spouse) was
> saved and the reports read X married Y.
> Legacy was, therefore trying to sort out the wording based on my addition of
> a spouse when the marriage screen was presented. My use of the Cancel button
> told Legacy not to make the change to the Wording Tab it was proposing. I
> did say that I had not reviewed the Wording Tab, if I had looked at that tab
> I would have seen that the wording was going to be changed to "married"
> instead of "married someone".
> That was the reason why I asked the $64 question.

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