What I really want is one source = one source detail.  I don't want
all the extra workarounds to get that to happen.  Plus, I think there
is too much risk in your Replace All option.

Something I've ran into a number of times, and can't believe I'm the
only one....
I've got a document that has a number of people listed.  The only one
I know about today is John Doe.  When entering the source in Source
Writer, there is often a prompt with a hint something like this 'Ex:
entry for Asa Clark'.  So, following along, I type in "entry for John
Doe".  I move along for weeks, months, whatever time frame, and I have
several documents now, many that contain the phrase "entry for John
Doe".  Now I discover a new person in my tree - Jane Smith -, and know
I've seen that name somewhere before.  Oh yes, on a hand full of those
documents that also had John Doe on them.  I follow the prompts in
Source Writer, make some reports, and Crap!  I have duplicate
citations in every way except for the phrases "entry for John Doe" and
"entry for Jane Smith".  I don't want all that duplication!  So, I do
a Replace All on "entry for John Doe" and "entry for Jane Smith" and
replace with "entry for Doe, Smith".  Run the report again, and Crap!
Too many citations were changed!!!

Nope, would be better if I could just attach the same details to
multiple people if I choose to.  When I edit it, all the linked
events/people magically are updated too.  No manual find replace
business.  Even if I change it and discover I changed all and only
wanted to change the one, it easier to change it back (magic everyone
is fixed) and then make the one copy in the one spot I need it (all
done).  Much less risk.

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Jenny M Benson <ge...@cedarbank.me.uk> wrote:
> James Cook wrote
>>Maybe an example will help clarify what I'm trying to point out here:
>>Say you've used a birth certificate as the source for name, birth, and
>>relationship to parents, and you've used the Source Clipboard to paste
>>that source into each of the four events.  If you run a report, all
>>four places might reference source #3.  Ok, all is good so far.  Now
>>you want to edit something in the Source Details about the relationship
>>to the parents, you select the entry on the Father, and edit them.  Run
>>your report again, and only Father has changed.  Now name, birth, and
>>mother relationship still reference source #3, but father references
>>source #7.
> If the change you want to make to the Source Detail is relevant *only*
> to the Father then doing as you say is fine and you get the result you
> want.  If you want a universal change to that Source Detail, amending
> *all* references to it you would use Search and Replace to make the
> required changes and select Replace All.
> --
> Jenny M Benson

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