----- Original Message -----

> 3) Regarding Palestine, there appears to have been zero criticism - not even
> hesitation - about the suicide bombings.  Are we now for Islamist terrorism?
> These are quite worrisome questions.
> Jared

Even condemnation of the suicide bombers in Palestine by First World Leftists
would be, to say the least, gross. I support the Palestinian struggle against
Israel In whatever form it takes. I might be critical of the efficacy of certain
manouevers in fighting Zionism, and when the Palestinian resisters start phoning
me for advice, I'll be sure to give such a critique at that point. But not

As for Swastikas, I assume that is propaganda from the NYTimes, unless it is
reflective of the Swastika I saw at a small local march held in solidarity with
the A20 demo. There, the Swastika was on a poster of Ariel Sharon with a Star of
David above his photo, beside him = the Swastika above a picture of Hitler.
Can't say I rightly disagreed with that.

If no one made mention of the revolutionary situation that is brewing in
Venezuela, that was a brutal oversight. It should be declared the first battle
victory in the First People's World War. Anyhow, hyperbole aside, it was
mentioned here.


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