1) "What the fuck" etc, says MacDonald.  Vulgar language marks weak argument.

2) In a message dated 4/22/02 4:49:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Condemning suicide bombers at the point we are currently at- a wholesale
 genocide, ethnic cleansing of the worst sort ever (in the 20th cent), fascism
 called democracy in Israel, etc etc.. >>

This is extreme hyperbole, to start with.  There is an obvious effort here, 
sponsored precisely by the people who gave us the demonization of the Serbs, 
to massively exaggerate a bad situation into "the worst".  Complete with 
articles in the NY Times which begin with lies and end with the truth (just 
as they do with Serbia) and ditto the Washington Post (read snippet below 
about Bethlehem church where everyone is starving (says start of article) but 
there are two weeks worth of food (says end of article).  

Articles in Times talk of "the bodies that will be found under the rubble" 
which means, as in Kosovo, that they have xray eyes.  Internationals are 
sponsored by groups linked to National Endowment for Democracy (which gave us 
the Venezuelan coup) and Human Rights Watch which IS the US foreign policy 

The NWO wants battle along lines of conflict of civilizations and some 
leftists can be sucked in.

How many times?

In a message dated 4/22/02 4:49:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

3) << . I find
 that those who attack Palestinian resistance have a different idea about 
 Zionism. What's your take on the Israeli state?
Having fallen off the deep end over this, you find a mere anti-Zionist like 
myself (I have been opposed to Zionism, which I actually know a little about, 
since I was 18 and my parents were likewise before me) to be suspect.  
Macdonald, I merely don't fall for steamy prose from "international 
observers" who ask "where are the women?" and tell us that every Palestinian 
is good and that EVERYONE is getting tortured (everyone?!) and other obvious 
baloney - All this politics-by-anecdote-full-of-steamy-prose is all out of 
the New World Order book textbook,  "how to whip up a fever" and is EXACTLY 
what was done to win all the "leftists" to support Izetbegovic in Bosnia.  In 
the case of Serbia this demonized a very good government and in the case of 
Israel it is demonizing a  bad one.  What a shame that people fall for people 
in bed with the CIA - which the Palestinian (and Israeli leadership) are, 
both. And the goal, of course, is to whip up Islamism to the destruction of 
the Muslim masses. That's what the US is after. Shame on any so called 
leftist who helps this REAL genocide which is already in motion.

Here is a typical Washington Post propaganda piece:  Headline of article 
(which according to statistics is the part everyone reads): "Israel Says 
Children in Church * 
Palestinian Says Some Inside Are 'Dying of Hunger' "

So most people get impression: People in this church (!) where Jesus was born 
(!!) are  dying of hunger.  This was dreamed up in Langley or the NED and is 
typical of NWO method: takeover a sacred church, call this act of armed men 
"taking refuge", create a situation where Israeli's are automatically cast as 
the monsters.  Political theater par excellence.

End of article (17th or 18th  paragraph, by which point nearly everyone has 
dropped away)

"Meanwhile, the Franciscan friars, who account for about three-quarters of 
the clergy inside the church, said they had run out of food. Other clerics, 
including Greek Orthodox and Armenian priests, have said they have enough 
rice, pasta and beans to last through the month."  

Note that Franciscan order is the the most pro-fascist in Catholic church - 
they were the Ustashe in Croatia.  But even they dont say people are 
starving. And Greek and Armenian orders say food til end of month. Obviously, 
if they were starving, they'd say so.  So they do have food.

Putting this sort of thing (clearly the truth) at the end but having a 
headline that tells you the cruel Israelis are starving everyone is not done 
in error by the boys at Washington Post - it is an attempt to create a mood, 
done through the news sections, not the editorials.  It means: this is the 
Establishments real policy.  I have been seeing this over and over.

They are of course a) trying to re-create antiSemitism and b) trying to win 
all Muslims, via the Arab cable station, to fundamentalism, jin the same way 
that the US is shipping millions of dollars worth of Islamist textbooks into 
Afghanistan at this very moment.


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