Comrades, this is a very very simple question.

To line up Bosnia and Palestine are hilarious, considering that the only media
in the world that systematically reduces the number of Israeli murders to
"collateral damage" while only showing rubble in Palestine is the American
media- even the Europeans have a pretty good idea about what is going on. Bosnia
was the precise opposite- massive media ops, hard work put in to write a story
that would thereafter write itself...

Israel gets called a "democracy". That's enough to make a sane man cry in

The accusation of anti-semite is becoming quickly like being called a terrorist
now, or a commie in the 50's. It's being used to deliberately tar those who are
critical of Israel as "removed from the pale", etc etc.

I want to know this: do either Anton or Jared call Israel a colonial settler
regime? Is there any form of resistance in historic Palestine that can survive
outside of the suicide bombers? Before I tell them they are really bad little
Arabs, I'd better have a backup plan for them.

Let us notice that the entire point of the Israeli attacks and massacres is
simple- to eliminate "threats to security". Every single settler- and in many
cases, civilian- is being used as a physical weapon to eliminate the Palestinian
people once and for all. Every settler colony attacks the impoverished masses
whose land they sit on by day. They know that they need to be ina permanent war
with the inhabitants until the day they eleiminate Palestine once and for all-
that's why they build every little settlement on the hills. Easier to shoot the
ants from on high.

Now, the civilians of Israel are putting up with the colonial settler regime
only feet from their homes, and allowing it on the basis that "it will provide
security". Well, taking out a tank with real weapons is nearly impossible, but
attacking the settlers isn't. These settlers are 99% of the time, the most scum
bag, racist (and theocratic!!! "God gave me this land, so I must shoot
arabs...") people on this planet now. They want nothing less than Eretz Israel
and they form midnight militias to shoot the peasants in the lowlands. Killing
these people is attacking the very concept of removing the Palestinian people
from their own land.

The suicide bombers are there, not to help imperialism, but to prove (they hope)
to Israel that they will not force the people to accept the Apartheid townships,
worse than the Bantustan homelands by far!

Secular forces use the suicide bombers now simply because they are something
that packs a wallop which can never truly be stopped. Let me put it this way: If
you want these people to knock off the suicide bombers, send them anti-aircraft
weapons. Until then, stop Israel as best you can. I, nor anyone else on this
list, has any real right to demand that these oppressed people come up with a
revolutionary resumé we like. Living here, that is the height of arrogance.

Hugo Chávez will not be tricked into condemning suicide bombers, since you like
to bring him up. Israel is not quite the 51st state- it's something all together
on its own- but let us be very clear. Israel, as it is currently legally
constituted, must be destroyed. Then we can have a real peace. There will not be
a peace where a country allows the kind of extremist psychotics that exists
there: the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan called itself an Islamic state, and
the state of the Afghan people. They never went so far as to say we are the one
and only state of the Muslims, will pay all Muslims to move here....

My use of cusses is not for lack of argument, but rather cold water. Attacks of
any sort on the Palestinian people at this time make my blood boil.

Should the Warsaw Ghetto strugglers have been constrained by a particular set of
morals to the people there? What if they had been able to kill the German elites
who stole their homes, their businesses, etc.... would that have been terrorism
or resistance?

All the condemnation of "terror" smells like fence sitting to me. I condemn the
existence of a state which is for one people at the expense of antoher, and that
can only exist by making a historic people.... vanish.

Again, what is your option for them in fighting the Zionazis? Delivering
petitions to the IDF tanks?


----- Original Message -----
From: "A.Wosni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [L-I] Another War to Stop: Vermonters at the DC Protest on A20

> Do you want to tell us that you understand the motives of the suicide bombersd
> or that you think suicide bombing contributes to the liberation of Palestine?
> too understand their motives and feelings, but this is not the issue for
> Marxists (or rather this is not the main issue). We have to think about what

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