In a message dated 4/22/02 11:42:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< 3) Regarding Palestine, there appears to have been >zero criticism - not 
 >hesitation - about the suicide bombings. Are we now >for Islamist terrorism?
 Jared, do you really think this is what anti-imperialists 
 should be emphasizing in the U.S. while massacres are 
 going on against the Palestinians?
 We need to keep the focus on U.S. imperialism >>

MY COMMENT: So you are saying you don't think this should be "emphasized"? 
Does this mean that you guys attacked the suicide bombings but just didn't 
make it the major point?  Or did you not raise it at all, as is my 

Of course, by attacking the suicide bombings AND at the same time attacking 
the Israeli policy AND by the way also attacking the anti-Semitic incidents 
in France and elsewhere -- which I also  don't believe was done but I hope 
I'm wrong - you would be giving real leadership and making it clear to 
Israelis and Palestinians that you favor favor a left-internationalist 
approach, not a right wing approach that leads to apocalypse, wouldn't you?  

By not raising the issues of suicide bombings and anti-Semitism you would, on 
the other hand, be playing to the dominant tendencies, and that of course 
also has practical benefits to your organization, IAC both membership and 
funds, albeit these come at some cost, in principle and consequence.

Indeed, by not sharply attacking suicide bombing - by saying "any means are 
appropriate" or by expressing the untruth that "all war is terror" one 
encourages suicide bombing and strengthens the factions that advocate it - 
and weakens those Palestinian forces who don't advocate the bombings - not to 
mention the effect on Muslims around the world - not to mention strengthening 
the Israeli factions who want to crush Palestinians - in other words, one 
strengthens all the fascistic elements - and thus one takes on a most serious 

Is this what you have done?


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