In a message dated 4/22/02 11:33:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 The Franciscans are the most pro-Fascist part of the Catholic church?  Not 
 any of the Franciscans that I know.  The local St. Francis church has gay 
 members, creates housing for the poor.  F >>

We really need to look beyond these anecdotes of personal experience in 
judging the political character of things.  Maybe you should ask your 
Franciscan friends about: 

Newsweeek, March 30, 1998:

"In the early years of World War II, Catholic priests oversaw forced 
conversions of Orthodox Serbs under the aegis of the Ustasha state; 
Franciscan friars distributed Ustasha propaganda. Several high Catholic 
officials in Yugoslavia were later indicted for war crimes. They included 
Father Dragutin Kamber, who ordered the killing of nearly 300 Orthodox Serbs; 
Bishop Ivan Saric of Sarajevo, known as the "hangman of the Serbs"; and 
Bishop Gregory Rozman of Slovenia, a wanted Nazi collaborator. A trial held 
by the Yugoslav War Crimes Commission in 1946 resulted in the conviction of a 
half-dozen Ustasha priests, among them former Franciscan Miroslav 
Filipovic-Majstorovic, a commandant of the Jasenovac concentration camp where 
the Ustashas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a brutality 
that shocked even the Nazis."

And from CNS London Bureau Chief
23 November, 1999

"In recent years the Vatican has refused appeals by Jewish groups to open its 
archives, after newly-unclassified wartime documents claimed the Vatican had 
taken possession of gold worth more than one hundred million dollars, 
confiscated from victims of the Ustashe.

The new suit was filed in a California court last week by two Ukrainian 
organizations, the Ukrainian Union of Nazi Victims and Prisoners and the 
Organization of Antifascist Resistance Fighters, representing more than 
300,000 Ukrainian victims of the Nazis and Ustashe.

Apart from the Vatican Bank, the suit also names as defendant the Franciscan 
religious orders, which the applicants claim "conducted illicit financial 
transactions with the cooperation of defendant banks [after the war] in order 
to conceal the Ustashe Treasury for the benefit of Ustashe and Nazi war 
criminals for the purpose of evading capture and trial by war crimes 
tribunals and to attempt to preserve the Ustashe regime as a government in 

And this re: a class action suit filed in the US:

"Survivors are now suing to recover hundreds of millions of dollars of
property looted by the Croatian Nazis, converted to gold, and held by the
Vatican Bank for safekeeping. Rumors had circulated about the fantastic
wealth that allowed Croatian war criminals to escape justice and live lives
of luxury in South America, Spain, and even California until a June 1998 US
State Department report confirmed the story.

"Serb and Jewish survivors have filed a class action lawsuit in San
Francisco Federal Court seeking an accounting from the Vatican Bank and
Franciscan Order. While the Vatican Bank has repeatedly denied their
involvement, service of the lawsuit on the Franciscan Order took place in
Oakland on Tuesday, March 15, appropriately upon a Croatian Franciscan
priest, and on the Vatican Bank in Rome at noon on Friday, March 17.[2000]"

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