On Fri, 9 May 2014 20:13:17 -0700 (PDT)
Richard Cranium <completea55h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Like all the non-technical people that managed to learn git?

I don't quite understand your comment, and I'm considering trying to
teach non-technical people git, so I'm curious.  Is there a context
where you see a lot of non-technical people using git?  Via git-hub, or
some other UI?  Or is it not as hard as it seems if it's explained

Thanks, Terry

> On Saturday, May 3, 2014 10:15:17 PM UTC-5, duf...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > I am a long-time lurker on this newsgroup, and I have noticed that
> > in the last few months there have been significant improvements to
> > Leo, in the hopes of making it more accessible to the non-technical
> > crowd. It was certainly a move in the right direction but, alas, I
> > think it was not enough. The point of my argument is that Leo is
> > still too technically-oriented, and this alienates so many
> > potential users. You just have to read the posts on this newsgroup
> > (as I have been doing for a long time), to realize that people with
> > little or no programming experience are bound to find major
> > difficulties in using Leo, from the very beginning. Just trying to
> > configure the simplest (UI-related) settings is a major challenge.
> > This issue was already raised in the past, but is yet to be solved.
> >
> > Why can't we (non-technical people) be relieved with having to
> > tinker with the internal workings of Leo? Come to think of it, the
> > overwhelming majority of modern programs are totally GUI-based, so
> > that the settings can be easily changed via menus. Why can't we
> > have this in Leo too, instead of having to learn technical jargon
> > and manually modify settings files? I really don't get it.
> >
> > Please, consider doing something radical about it (e.g.
> > refurbishing the default menus with all the main commands and
> > settings, at least), or realistically Leo might be bound for
> > extinction.
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > Duf
> >

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