Thomas, thank you for devoting some time to thinking about this.  It's more 
than I could reasonably expect.  Tried to PM you but seems it didn't go 
through.  I agree that files need to be plain text or markdown, even though 
undoubtedly a database-based system would offer advantages. The 'no 
proprietary formats' principle is part of why I quit using Word five years 
ago and went to Vim and plain text.

I do not quite grasp your Lucene scheme but I have myself wondered about 
arranging my past notes text files into units in a clear format with 
headers (containing tags, etc) and 'code' such that a parser could process 
those files, dice out the individual units and load them into a usable 

For what it's worth I'm on MacOS (refugee from Windows) so don't know if 
that makes something like that more feasible for me anyway.  I do think 
that a good zettelkasten system will require tags, keywords, links, 
indexes, not just text searches.  I think some mapping capabilities would 
be extremely helpful too. A map of tag connections where I could traverse a 
search-generated tag map and access the tagged files would be nice.

I did not quite grasp your ideas about an @zettel tree though it sounds 
interesting.  I'm not familiar enough with Leo I guess, but I'm all for 
maps, trees, webs.  That's kind of an underlying principle with 
zettelkasten.  It's a web of ideas/thoughts that serves as an extension of 
the mind.  Very exciting.

I've heard of noSQL databases that are 'document-based', but I have little 
clue what that means or whether it offers anything useful here.

I suspect the notion of somehow building a better zettelkasten system more 
or less within the Leo architecture (if that's the correct word) is 
probably asking too much, but of course what do I know? Maybe it's doable, 
since Leo seems already to contain most if not all its principles, plus 
principles of its own that could further extend/enhance the zettelkasten 
usefulness.  In any case I hope you can find zettelkasten useful in some 

On Friday, January 31, 2020 at 11:40:01 AM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> As I think about how Leo could be useful with the zettel-box approach, I 
> do see a way.  But it's not to have each note be a node in a Leo outline.  
> Can you imagine trying to work with thousands or tens of thousands of nodes 
> in the outline pane?  Instead, I can see using an @zettel tree whereby if 
> you put a node name into the headline of the node, Leo would open that note 
> and any notes it linked to.  You could keep them in a group forever in the 
> outline if you liked, or delete the tree when you were done with that 
> activity. 
> You would be able to edit any note just like any other markdown node.  In 
> the vewrendered pane you could see a rendered view of the note or the whole 
> tree it was in.  Possibly you could get other kinds of views in the VR 
> pane.  I would favor a mind map type view, myself.
> You would be able to launch full text searches of the notes. I'm thinking 
> that the Python Whoosh search engine would be good for that.
> You would have the wiki-like ability to create a new note by using its 
> name if it didn't already exist.
> Would this be better than using Zettelr?  I don't know, I just installed 
> it and haven't played with it except to see that it has a very good ability 
> to import many file formats, including LibreOffice documents, and convert 
> them to markdown.  Maybe that would be the way to go - use Zettelr to 
> convert to markdown, and then use Leo to work with the converted notes. 
> You'd still be able to use Zettelr for anything it was better at.

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