Thank you again Edward.  I wandered in here shyly with an idea I didn't 
think would get much attention.  And it still may not warrant or deserve a 
lot of interest here.  Also the Leo community is about to begin work on 6.2 
so I expect there isn't time to spare on something like this.  Nonetheless 
I'm surprised and grateful for what attention and comment it has received.

I want to say that I have only touched here on my ideas about it. The 
zettelkasten concept is central to it indeed, but there's a lot more to my 
whole concept than the zettelkasten model.  I've spent several years 
dreaming, as a non-programmer, on an optimal program for the writer, 
note-taker, organizer, thinker, journaler, what have you . All assembled, 
my ideas (some my own, some already implemented somewhere) would, imo, make 
a better program for this kind of work than anything I've been able to find 
(had I found it I'd already have it).

Sure wish I were a programmer.  Sometimes I've thought maybe I should dive 
into programming just to gain the skills to build this myself, but I think 
that's likely way too ambitious, especially at my age.
But if/when someone here wants to/has time to give it a look, I would love 
to have the opportunity to submit a more lengthy 'essay' outlining in some 
detail what I've evolved in my imagination over a few years of thinking 
about this.  Naming a few features doesn't get the idea across.  I haven't 
written it up in one piece as yet.  I need to scramble through all my past 
notes about it; might take 3-5 pages.  Heck, maybe it's not as good a set 
of ideas as I think, but what I envision sure appeals to me for what I do 
with writing.  Wish I'd had it 20 years ago.


On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 6:48:32 AM UTC-5, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 10:40 AM Thomas Passin < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Can you imagine trying to work with thousands or tens of thousands of 
>> nodes in the outline pane?  
> It could be done easily, if that is what you wanted.
>> Instead, I can see using an @zettel tree whereby if you put a node name 
>> into the headline of the node, Leo would open that note and any notes it 
>> linked to.  You could keep them in a group forever in the outline if you 
>> liked, or delete the tree when you were done with that activity. 
> Yes, something like this is reasonable.
>> You would have the wiki-like ability to create a new note by using its 
>> name if it didn't already exist.
> A plugin would keep track of all existing names somewhere, perhaps in a 
> uA, perhaps in a special node.
>> Would this be better than using Zettelr?  
> Imo, it is clear that Leo's organization strengths will easily handle 
> whatever tasks we give it.
> Edward

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