On Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 8:13:09 AM UTC-5, andyjim wrote:
> On Monday, March 2, 2020 at 3:43:08 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
>> A zettel thought experiment.
>> ...
>> So in about five minutes we have wandered from a dinner recipe to paleo 
>> history to philosophical questions about the meaning and stability of 
>> sensory perceptions.  We've actually come up with several possible research 
>> projects and a topic for a philosophical essay.  All in about five minutes.
>> All this, and there's virtually nothing in my ZK yet!  I'm just 
>> visualizing how I might use it.  This serendipidy, that's one of the main 
>> things I'm interested in -  that, and helping me and my fallible memory 
>> find things again.
> Zettelkasten = structured serendipity! A self-organizing thought factory! 
> How to partner creatively with your own brain! An intelligent memory bank 
> that digests what you feed it and provides instant, connected, 
> pre-clustered, organized access to everything you've ever written!    
> End of rant.

I wouldn't say "instant", exactly.  You have to put  the work in, you may 
have to do some rooting around and be receptive to following up links that 
may not seem too relevant, and you have to have put thought and effort into 
creating the notes and links in the first place.  And that comes from 
reading and thinking.

The rooting around can be fun as well as productive, though.

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