On Monday, March 2, 2020 at 3:43:08 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> A zettel thought experiment.
> ...
> So in about five minutes we have wandered from a dinner recipe to paleo 
> history to philosophical questions about the meaning and stability of 
> sensory perceptions.  We've actually come up with several possible research 
> projects and a topic for a philosophical essay.  All in about five minutes.
> All this, and there's virtually nothing in my ZK yet!  I'm just 
> visualizing how I might use it.  This serendipidy, that's one of the main 
> things I'm interested in -  that, and helping me and my fallible memory 
> find things again.

Zettelkasten = structured serendipity! A self-organizing thought factory! 
How to partner creatively with your own brain! An intelligent memory bank 
that digests what you feed it and provides instant, connected, 
pre-clustered, organized access to everything you've ever written!    
End of rant.

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