On Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 10:51:42 PM UTC-5, andyjim wrote:

>  Sorry to bring it up again, but one of the key things for me is to be 
> able to launch a new zettel in an instant, without required steps before I 
> can start writing.  I am suspicious that if I have to type in three or four 
> headings, decide upon titles, etc, in order to create a new zettel, that I 
> might end up not using the system.  Currently all I do to start a new 
> thought is skip a line and write.

I think in terms of one node per zettel.  Leo will let you have a node 
without a headline - that is, the name of the node - but I think that's 
asking for trouble, so I always give it a name.  These names are very 
helpful when you scan a group of zettels, and when searching.  So for me, I 
always want a node name, and I consider that to be the title of the 
zettel,  I don't have to type it into the zettel itself.

If you want to type in a stream of consciousness manner, then it would be 
easy to write a script to split the text into separate nodes.  The script 
would need some way to know where to split.  That could be, say, two blank 
lines in a row - if you will never use two blank lines for anything else -  
my preferred marker of '===========================', or something similar.

The script would not be able to divine a name for the new nodes, though.  
So you still would need some way to designate that.  The easiest thing 
would be to use the first line after the marker as the title.

This wouldn't be too intrusive for you, would it?

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